
January, A Time of New Beginnings......

And, so I started my first mission statement in the January of 1992 newsletter. A lot of recipes have seen the light of day in my little kitchen since then. But, the goals I set for the newsletter that day I like to believe have been met. Those first goals were: quick, easy recipes the whole family could eat; seasonal dishes; special request; recipe makeovers; readers exchange recipes and quick cooking tips. I wanted the recipes in the newsletter to fit YOUR need and based on the letters I've received over teh past 12 months, I think I'm on target at least most of the time.

     As January is the proper time of the year to set new goals, I want to share with you what I hope to accomplish in the next 12 issues. (1) I will continue to give you "common people" recipes with quick cooking methods using ingredients found in just about any grocery store. (2) As you can see by the recipes in this issue, I am including 3 ways to calculate the nutrient information of each recipe. This will include HEALTHY EXCHANGES: Calories; Grams; and Diabetic specific exchanges. To my knowledge, this is the first recipe collection to do this. I want to make it as easy as possible for you to include these recipes in YOUR healthy lifestyle. (3) As I think of every one of you as a extension of the HEALTHY EXCHANGES Family, I will continue to include notes from the Lund family where appropriate with the recipes. Also, along these lines, I am looking forward to meeting many of you at the 1st annual HEALTHY EXCHANGES Potluck on June 27, 1993. I'll have more info on this ONE OF A KIND event in the next newsletter. (4) I want to continue to meet the needs of you, so please write or call me if there is something else you want included in the newsletter. My phone number and address is on the bottom of page 2. (5) YOU will be helping me write my next cookbook by dropping me a note listing you and your families FAVORITE RECIPES from the recipes offered during January 1992 through December 1992. I need this information by March 15, 1993. I will then calculate the winners, add the new diabetic information, and hope to have the BEST OF THE '92' HEALTHY EXCHANGES FOOD NEWSLETTER COOKBOOK ready by next summer. So, please take a few minutes to choose your favorites and let me know what they are. (PO Box 124, DeWitt, IA 52742)

     I've had a few questions about Expiration Dates. So I think this is as good a time as any to explain the expiration information on your mailing label. My computer only reads numbers, so that is why there is a number like 93/02 just above your name. Each year's subscription is for 12 issues. So in the case above, the person subscribed and received their first issue in March of 1992 and will receive the last issue for this period in February(02) of 1993. I send out the renewal notice about 2 months before expiration to allow plenty of time for you to receive the notice, return it and for me to enter the renewal update into that dreaded computer. If this is still not clear, just let me know and I'll try to explain it again.

     I want to THANK all of you for helping to make my dream of sharing recipes a success. When I started in blind faith last year, I really thought the people using the recipes with me would be women trying to lose weight and tired of preparing a diet meal for themselves and a "real" meal for their families. Yes, they are a big part of the HEALTHY EXCHANGES FAMILY, BUT the "family" grew by leaps and bounds because people with heart problems, high cholesterol counts and diabetic were looking for teh same type of recipes. That's why I'm now including the additional nutrient data.

     Along these lines, I want to introduce a new member of the HEALTHY EXCHANGES FOOD NEWSLETTER team. Rose Hoenig is a licensed, registered dietitian practicing in the Quad Cities. She is a graduate of Marycrest college, Davenport, Ia. and a member of the American Dietetic Association, Iowa Dietetic Association and the Mississippi Valley Association as well as the Iowa Consulting Dietitians in Health Care Facilities. Rose provides nutrition counseling to physicians and for various health care facilities. She and her husband Tony, live in Bettendorf, Iowa and have three children, Doug age 14, Dan, 13, and Becky, 10. When I first met Rose, I was impressed by her common sense approach to health. We seemed to be on the same wave length. Even though I did not have her medical background, I could ACTUALLY communicate with her. She talked "real" language, not some technical jargon. So, when I made the decision to include Diabetic specific exchanges, it was just a natural choice to ask her to calculate them. Please read her note about calculating the diabetic exchanges included with my legend explaining the symbols we will be using from now on for all the exchanges.

     And, last but not least, I want to share a few exerts of some of the mail I've received this past year. Delbert Zirtzman of Cedar Rapids, IA made me smile for days after reading his note! He said "I'm a 57 year old retired man and my wife is still working. I do most of the cooking so she can relax when she gets home. The four guidelines you follow for each recipe in your newsletter is JUST what I've been looking for. I have enjoyed many of the recipes, but your DESSERTS are my favorite. It's hard to pick a favorite one, when they are all so good. On behalf of all us men who use your newsletter, thanks a lot and keep up the good work". Diane Adams of Wolcottville, IN said "I've only just begun using your recipes. I'm certainly glad I have them. I love the idea of being able to eat good tasting food that is low in sugar and fat. My husband is a diabetic, so low sugar is important to his diet too and this really fits the bill." Diana Jemeney of Davenport, IA sad "Can't tell you how much I enjoy your recipes and all your helps and hints. All my friends and family ask for recipes of the things I've learned to make from you." And, to everyone else who has written me such nice letters, I wish I had room for all them. You will never know what it means to me to receive notes from people using my recipes and telling me how they have improved their health while, at the same time, enjoyed eating the food! Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for being part of the HEALTHY EXCHANGES FAMILY and helping my dream of sharing recipes a reality.

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